How does CONNECT2ME work?
Price offer, Purchase
Within the Connect2me system you can
buy goods and services, with no overpay.
Don`t like the price offered by the seller?
Make your own price offer.
The CONNECT2ME® system sums up all
the price offers for a particular
Product\Service and make the Sellers cut off
the price by virtue of wholesale volume.
this seller won`t agree with your price offer-
then there will definitely be another one
whom it will suit well.
Just a simple example: Use the search bar to
find the desired item of goods.
For example, Apple iPhone 5s.
- If this item is within the system, you will find its flypage among the search engine result with the Regular price indicated, i.e. the price at which you can instantly buy it. For example, the regular price of Apple iPhone 5s 64Gb within our system is equivalent to 334.75 USD.
- If it`s not «too urgent» for you but if you want to get it at a reduced price — pay your money, make the Price Offer to the Seller, for example, 279.87 USD. To confirm your offer you have to 100% deposit of the total amount or otherwise use the universal deposit of 32.93 USD.
- You have to realize, the more the price you offered differentiate from the Regular price for this phone, the less probable that the Seller accepts your offer, even if combined with the rest offers. As it turned out to be, the most suitable price for the Seller lies within 70 - 95% of the Regular prices set by them with regard to turnover.
- The moment the Seller accepts the price offered by you, you will immediately get the transaction message to your email or telephone number you`ve indicated while registering in the system. In case you use the universal deposit, you just have to pay in full up to the total amount. After that you will receive sms with the confirmation code (Buyer`s Code). Don`t disclose this code to any third party. Keep this code in secret and don`t give it to the Seller until he gives you the Goods item and until you make sure this goods item meets your requirements.
- If everything is ok, pass the seller your Buyer`s Code and get your Goods item.
In the CONNECT2ME® system price offers can be done in the several ways:
- Pay in the deposit equal to 100% of the product price set by yourself, then after the purchase you will get 5% credited to your bonus account;
- Put in Universal deposit equivalent to 32.93 USD. One Universal deposit lets you make unlimited number of price offers.
All the price offers made for one Goods item or Service by all the users are unitedinto Grants. In case a similar goods item or a Service can be offered by several Professional or Business users, thus such sellers will compete with each other for the right to get the Grant...
What should you do if the System doesn`t find the Product item\Service relevant to your price offer?
Any time you can increase your price offer till the Regular price and get the Goods item\Service immediately. Otherwise you can cancel your Price offer and use the amount to make other purchases. Moreover, anytime you can easily withdraw the money from the account in the CONNECT2ME® System to your banking account WITH NO COMMISSION.
What should you do if you you need this goods item badly and you don`t want to wait till the system will find you the vendor for your price offer?
- Increase your Price Offer till the Regular price and you will instantly get your Goods Item. In other words, if your price offer is equal to the amount of 263.41 USD, with the regular price being 274.39 USD, pay the balance of 10.98 USD and you will instantly get the Buyer`s code to conform the deal and the contacts details of the Seller.
- You should know that that the closer your bid (price offer) to the regular price, the higher the possibility of getting your product . Besides, there always exists the opportunity to get the product at the price offer you indicated.
What is the trick?What factor can motivate or motivates the Seller sell you the Goods item at the price offered by you?
The answer is as easy as ABC PROFIT! That`s no picnic! The Connect2me system sums up all the amounts paid for the specified product by the people like you, Customers,, and offers to the Seller the whole Grant of the common sum for the specified number of goods! The Seller himself decides whether the price of the bargain suits him or not. In case it doesn`t– your money remains at your disposal. In case it does suit him – you together with the rest of the buyers, who made their price offers, get the products.
It`s not profitable for the Seller to dicker over
prices with every single customer that`s why it`s
almost impossible to get a small discount in a
retail outlet or in eshop. You may be offered a
reduction of 1.10 USD as the best variant.
Though the purchasing price for the Goods on
sale can easily afford to give discounts to the
bulk customers on behalf of whom the
CONNECT2ME® system acts with the Seller.
In CONNECT2ME® the Seller sees the total
number of the prepaid goodsthe Grant.
For example, the Seller sees Grant for 100 items
of mobile phones as a sum of 26 341.00 USD
together with the discount offered by you and
other prospective buyers. Consequently all this
burns out his desire to get profit of 2 195.08 USD
straight away and for sure! If it`s guaranteed it will
definitely make this or that Seller accept your
price offer! Since there are lots of Sellers, of
Goods all the money benefits will come to those
who will be agree to get less profit but at a higher
volume. Greedy Sellers will wait for those who
don`t have any clue about the CONNECT2ME®
This very principle of CONNECT2ME®
covers all the other commercial directions.
Oh, I see... you work as a typical coupon service...
Nothing of the kind! Coupon services are based on the promise to sell you Goods or Services with a huge discount, sometimes up to 90%.The promises may be kept and may be not or vice versa. Moreover, the service or product is not chosen by you.It`s done by the Couponator site itself. Their approach is as easy as ABC you should buy whatever we (couponator) have.
That`s exactly why there are so few Sellers at the
Couponatorlikesites: dozens or up to 1
hundred as the best variant.. Those who want to
provide their services and, what`s more goods at
a discount of 90% can be counted on fingers.
They just can`t be numerous.
On the other hand, there are always lots of people
who want to sell in bulk profitably and make
bargain with large audiences of Buyers. Their
number is really outstanding!
Connect2meTM provides you with an excellent
opportunity to get the desired goods and products
for the amount of money available at the moment,
without any worthless Couponators` help. You
don`t have to wait for the Sales !
Register within the Connect2me® site and
choose one of the extended mode of using the system:
a “Professional “ Mode if you work or sell
(provide Goods/ Services) as a private person,
otherwise you may need to use
a “Business” in case you work or sell (provide
Goods/ Services) as a legal entity.
- Find in the CONNECT2ME® catalogue the products you sell or the services you provide in the search tool form of the site Indicate your regular price for it. Save the results.
- The System will immediately display you all the existing Grants which are available for any item of goods or service you have chosen.
- In order to increase the average price for a Product you sell or a Service you provide – just reduce the number of goods and services in the chosen Grant you chose, thus, minimum rates (fallback rates) will be cut off from the Grant. It will consequently lead to an increase in the average seller`s price, so, your profit will rise considerably.
- If the price suits you perfectly well click the button “Take the Grant”. The Grant you have chosen will be no longer visible in the other Sellers` search results and you will get contact details of all the buyers who have already paid their money.
- While delivering goods or before rendering of services ask the Buyers for validation codes – enter the validation code into the Connect2me system and get the amount of Grant on your account.
There is no more need to accept the offers of countless couponatorslike sites.
It`s obvious that providing your Services or Products to the Couponator like sites you lose profit! The Buyers who get the Goods items or Services at huge discounts just get used to “freeby”. Their gratitude, if any, is definitely addressed not to you but to the Couponator sites!
Sign Up within Connect2me and it will be you whom the Buyers will be thankful to as you let them have this discount! Sell Profitably! Gain traction!
You can adjust the conditions of buying and selling any Goods and Services. By means of the search engine tool on the front page you can easily find all the categories of Goods items and Services registered within the System at the moment. With the course of the System development the number of positions available to you will increase rapidly.
Almost every single Goods item or Service can be registered in the system as the point of your interest. With regard to its data, the CONNECT2ME® system will make relevant offers for you. For example, if you registered your car in CONNECT2ME® you can see a certain number of Buyers who want to buy it (the Audience). You can also see the number of Sellers who offer a similar car model together with the regular price of this particular offer.
If necessary, you can f necessary, you may sort out all the offers with the help of Geofilter (the service of Geofilter). Try to set up your Geo points and take all the advantages of the Connect2me® System. You will see only the offers and/or opportunities corresponding to your geographical characteristics.
Audience is regarded as a group of people who have indicated their interest towards this or that Goods item or Service. Being aware of the existence of different audiences and the due opportunity to cooperate with them are indisputable businessadvantages any user gets while working with the system of Connect2me. Every User who has a Professional Account mode or the companies working in CONNECT2ME® in a Business mode can offer their Products and Services.
For each single item of goods we will credit your account in Connect2me with 30 bonus rubles.
The basic rules of adding goods items to the Connect2me catalogue
Check the search engine results of Connect2me if there is already this very item that you want to add in the Connect2me database. In case it`s missing in Connect2me, use the tool for adding up goods items to the Goods Catalogue or to the Services Catalogue. Fill in the necessary description blanks, provide relevant graphics,add data at least on a single supplier of the added goods(services). Make sure all the information and graphics of the goods and services you submitted don`t contain any watermarks or other copyright© restrictions, otherwise the Connect2me moderator will not accept this item of goods. Save the added item of goods by clicking the button «Save for moderation». Wait for the feedback of the Connect2me moderator in case of success your personal account will be instantly credited with 0.33 USD.
The rules of using bonus rubles in the Connect2me system
1 bonus ruble= 1 ruble of the Russian Federation. The bonuses rubles are credited to a special bonuses account of the user in the Connect2me system and it can be used by the user any time under certain conditions.:
- The bonus rubles are not allowed to be withdrawn outside the Connect2me system but it can well be spend on your purchases in Connect2me or it can be compensated by the partners` offers;
- You can pay up to 20% of any purchase at a time with the bonus rubles;
- 3 000, (three thousands) bonus rubles can be once exchanged for the Connect2me starting deposit (read more on the starting deposit here);
- Bonus rubles can be converted into rubles this day next year from the moment of its assessment.